About Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn, STM
Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn, STM
Todd Arthur Peperkorn was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1970, the first of four children born to Dennis and Susan (nee Troy) Peperkorn. He was baptized at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Julesburg, Colorado and confirmed at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in St. Charles, Missouri.
Todd attended Concordia Teachers’ College in Seward, Nebraska, and completed the degree of Bachelor of Arts in pre-seminary studies and history in 1992.
After matriculating at Concordia Theological Seminary in 1992. He completed his Master of Divinity in May 1996, and completed the Master of Sacred Theology in May of 1999. His thesis title was, “The Use of C. F. W. Walther’s Kirche und Amt in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod to 1947.” Pr. Peperkorn received an award of commendation for an article based on his work published in the October 2001 issue of Concordia Theological Quarterly. The award was given by the Concordia Historical Institute.
Pr. Peperkorn worked in the Admission Office of Concordia Theological Seminary from June of 1996 until September of 1999. His work in the Admission Office included traveling around the country encouraging men to study to become pastors, beginning a program for parish pastors called Project Andrew, teaching at the Christ Academy, and teaching an introduction to worship class for an organist workshop.
Todd served as pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin, from 1999-2011. During his tenure as pastor, Messiah was instrumental forming Christ Lutheran Academy, a Lutheran elementary school following the classical tradition.
In addition to his duties at Messiah Lutheran Church, Pr. Peperkorn served as the Publications Executive and the editor of Higher Things:Dare to Be Lutheran from 2001-2006. He was an adjunct faculty member at Concordia University Wisconsin.
Pr. Peperkorn accepted the call as Senior Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, California, in August of 2011.
Todd and his wife, Kathryn, have four children and a very loud house.